Module - 8 to 11 : Image Editing, Presentation : ITI COPA - 1st Semester
ITI COPA 1st Semester : आज की इस पोस्ट में आपको ITI COPA के 1st Semester के Module 8 से Module 11 तक के सम्बंधित सभी प्रकार के बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्नों को यहाँ दिया गया है जिससे आप अपने एग्जाम की तयारी अच्छे से कर सकते है | आईटीआई कोपा 1 साल का सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स है जिसमे दो सेमेस्टर होते है | यह सभी प्रश्न प्रथम सेमेस्टर से सम्बंधित है |.
Slides Folder Handout Desktop screen
Q2. Which contains miniature representation of slides?Slides Handout Template Slide master
Q3. Which button is used to add instant animation to the presentation and helps interactive presentation?Add button Start button Insert button Action button
Q4. What type of software program is power point?Word Processor Spread Sheet Presentation Graphics Database Management
Q5. Which tool allows user to select different layout for slide?Apply design Bullets New slide Slide Layout
Q6. Which key is used to stop a power point presentation?ESC Tab Ctrl Enter
Q7. Which shortcut key is used to create new presentation in power point?Ctrl + P Ctrl + N Ctrl + M Ctrl + X
Q8. How many panes are there in backstage view in power point 2010?3 5 7 9
Q9. Which menu is used to apply various effects to the text in a slide?Animation Design Transitions Slide show
Q10. Which menu is used to apply various visual effects to the slide in power point?Animation Design Slide show Transitions
Q11. Which menu is used to select a predefined chart style?Animation Design Slide show Transitions
Q12. Which template makes specify common design elements in all slides in the presentation?Fax template User template Data template Master template
Q13. Which dialog box in Power Point allows to change slides automatically in a period of time?Action setting Slide transition Slide animation Custom animation
Q14. Which shortcut key is used to invoke thesaurus dialog box in Power Point?Shift+F7 Ctrl+F7 Alt+F7 Ctrl+Alt+F7
Q15. Which option is used to create a presentation automatically in Power Point?Template Blank Presentation Auto content wizard Standard test bar
Q16. Which option offers a built in design through a dialog box?Auto content wizard Blank Presentation Standard tool bar Template
Q17. Which function key is used to run a power point presentation?F3 F5 F7 F9
Q18. Which shortcut key is used to create a new slide in power point?Ctrl + C Ctrl + N Ctrl + M Ctrl + S
Q19. Which holder holds text, title and picture in power point?Content Holder Image Holder Place Holder Slide Holder
Q20. Which one of the following is extension of power point 2010 presentation file?.potx .pptx .ppsx .thmx
Q21. Which option is used to insert the related hints of a slide?Note Master Presentation Master Slide Master Hints Master
Q22. Which combination of key is used to select all slides from current slide to first slide?Alt + Home Ctrl + Home Shift + Home Tab + Home
Q23. Which view hides the hidden slides in Power Point?Normal Notes Page Reading view Slide Sorter
Q24. Which option is used to display the selected slides only for presentation?From Beginning From current slide Broadcast slide show Custom slide show
Q25. Which one of the following is a effect option in power point presentation?Diamond Fade Push Reveal
Q26. Which combination of key is used to show the laser pointer during slide show?Alt + left mouse button Alt + right mouse button Ctrl + left mouse button Ctrl + right mouse button
255 256 64000 65000
Q2. What is the expansion of OLE in Access?object linking and embedding object linking and encrypting object linking and editing object linking and encapsulation
Q3. What is the maximum length of the field name in Access?16 characters 32 characters 64 characters 128 characters
Q4. Which view is used to arrange table data in different graphical layouts to summarize data?Table view Design view Data sheet view Pivot chart view
Q5. Which view allows to modify table’s structure in Access?Design view Datasheet view Pivot table view Pivot chart view
Q6. Which object stores information about related data?Document Table Page Screen
Q7. Which key stoke is used to move the active cell towards right, in access table?Ctrl + Tab Alt + Tab Tab Shift + Tab
Q8. Which key stoke moves the active cell towards left in Access table?F2 F5 Tab Shift + Tab
Q9. Which combination of key zooms the content of active cell in Access table?Ctrl + F2 Ctrl + F5 Shift + F2 Shift + F5
Q10. Which combination of key allows user to move to the first field in the first record in Access table?Ctrl + Tab Shift +Tab Shift + Home Ctrl + Home
Q11. Which command quickly locates the data is Access table?Find Locate Search Edit
Q12. Which technique prevents invalid data being saved in Access table?Index Filter Validation rule Input mark
Q13. Which validation rule accepts only a - z letters for fields in Access?Is null or NOT like “*[! a - z]*” Is null or NOT like “*[a - z ]*” "Is null or NOT like “*![a
- z]*” " "Is null or NOT like “[! a
- z]” "
Q14. Which validation rule allows only 0 - 9 for fields in Access? "Is Null or Not Like “*[ !
0 - 9 ]*” " "Is Null or Not Like “[! 0
- 9]” " Is Null or Not Like “*[0 - 9]*” Is Null or Not Like “*[!0- 9]*”
Q15. Which validation rule allows only positive numbers for fields in?Is Null or > = 0 Is Null or Positive Is Null or < 0 Is Null or = “+”
Q16. What is allowed the input mask symbol # in Access?Letter or digit Letter A through Z A digit 0 - 9 with +/- sign A digit 0 - 9 without +/- sign
Q17. Which validation rule allows exactly digits for number fields in Access?Is Null or Between 100000 and 99999 Is Null or Like “????” Is Null or >= 0 AND< = 99999 Is Null or < = 99999
Q18. What is the output when the data ‘1678.95’ is set to the number format ‘###0.00’ in Access?1670 1670.95 1678 1678.95
Q19. Which of the following is a valid time format is Access?hh:mm:ss AM/PM AM/PM hh-mm-ss AM/PM hh/mm/ss AM/PM
Q20. Write the output when the data ‘Primary Key’ is set to the text < in Access?Primary key primary key PRIMARY KEY Primary Key
Q21. What is the output when the data “FOREIGN key’ is set to the text format > in Access?foreign key FOREIGN KEY Foreign Key Foreign key
Q22. What is the reason for not accepting zero in the fields of Access tables?Fields is set with is Null or > 0 Fields is set with is Null or < = 0 Fields is set with is Null or! [0] Fields is set with is Null or like “?”
Network layer Session layer Physical layer Data link layer
Q2. What is the full form of IP?Internet protect Intranet protocol Internet protocol International protocol
Q3. What is the full form of TCP?Test Control Protocol Transfer Control Protocol Transport Control Protocol Transmission Control Protocol
Q4. Which layer is the layer 2 in OSI network model?Session layer Physical layer Data link layer Transport layer
Q5. Which layer is the layer 4 in OSI model?Session layer Network layer Data link layer Transport layer
Q6. Which is the 6th layer in OSI communication model?Session layer Network layer Application layer Presentation layer
Q7. What is the abbreviation of OSI?Open Source Internet Open System Interaction Open Source Interconnection Open System Interconnection
Q8. What is the full form of EFT?Electronic Form Transfer Electronic Fund Transfer Electronic Field Transfer Electronic Format Transfer
Q9. Which is an example for WAN?Ethernet Home network Campus network Bluetooth network
Q10. What is the full form of ADSL?Asymmetrical Digital System Line Automatic Digital Subscriber Line Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line
Q11. Which is the layer 3 in OSI model?Network layer Session layer Physical layer Data link layer
Q12. Which is a reference tool for understanding data communication between any two network system?LAN WAN ISO model OSI model
Q13. What is called the interconnected computer systems located at different places?Internet Computer layout Computer network Connectivity of computer
Q14. Which topology combines characteristics of linear bus and star topologies?Bus Star Tree Mesh
Q15. How many pairs of wires contains in category 5 UTP cable?3 4 5 6
Q16. What is the maximum speed supported by category 5 UTP cable?1Mbps 10Mbps 100Mbps 1000Mbps
Q17. Which of the following cable transmits messages in the form of light waves?STP cable UTP cable Co-axial cable Optical fibre cable
Q18. Which device is installed in a subscriber’s telephone line to allow both ADSl and regular voice (telephone) services to be used at the same time?Hub Switch MODEM Micro filter
Q19. Which layer of OSI Model, transfer data between network entities?Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4
Q20. Which device connects multiple network segments along with the data link layer?Hub Bridge Router Switch
Q21. Which device is used to amplify or regenerate digital signals received while sending them from one port of a network into another?Hub Bridge Switch Repeater
Q22. Which device modulates analog signal to encode digital information and demodulates carrier signal to decode the transmitted information over the telephone network?Hub Bridge Switch MODEM
Q23. Which device is used to connect one network with another network that uses different protocols?Hub Router Switch Gateway
Q24. Which device forwards data packet between computer network?Hub Router Switch Gateway
Q25. What is the speed of standard 10 base T cable?1 Mbps 10 Mbps 100 Kbps 100 Mbps
Q26. Which type of cable is used in 10 base-FL cable standard?UTP STP Co-axial Fibre optic
Q27. What is the speed of 100BASE-TX cable?1 Mbps 10 Mbps 100 Kbps 100 Mbps
Q28. Which is the standard connector for category-5, unshielded twisted pair cabling?RJ11 RJ14 RJ25 RJ45
Q29. How many pairs of wires are there in category 1 UTP cables?1 2 3 4
Q30. Which is an application layer of internet standard protocol used by local e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail from a remote server over a TCP/IP connection?IP FTP UDP POP
Q31. Which layer in OSI model provides transfer the data between end users?Session layer Network layer Data link layer Transport layer
Q32. What is the purpose of the last three layers in OSI model?common application services data presentation within the end-user system passing traffic through the network to an end system manage the dialogue between end user application process
Q33. Which layer of OSI model is the router operate?Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 6 Layer 7
Q34. Which layer of OSI network model does repeater works?Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4
Q35. Which is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host or to another host over a TCP based network, such as the internet?FTP TCP UDP SMTP
Q36. Which is a network protocol used on the internet or LAN to provide a bi-directional interactive text oriented communication facility using a virtual terminal connection?FTP TCP UDP Telnet
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Module - 8 : Image Editing, Presentation
Q1. Which item contains text graphics, charts, sound, video, etc., in power point? A
Q2. Which contains miniature representation of slides?
Q3. Which button is used to add instant animation to the presentation and helps interactive presentation?
Q4. What type of software program is power point?
Q5. Which tool allows user to select different layout for slide?
Q6. Which key is used to stop a power point presentation?
Q7. Which shortcut key is used to create new presentation in power point?
Q8. How many panes are there in backstage view in power point 2010?
Q9. Which menu is used to apply various effects to the text in a slide?
Q10. Which menu is used to apply various visual effects to the slide in power point?
Q11. Which menu is used to select a predefined chart style?
Q12. Which template makes specify common design elements in all slides in the presentation?
Q13. Which dialog box in Power Point allows to change slides automatically in a period of time?
Q14. Which shortcut key is used to invoke thesaurus dialog box in Power Point?
Q15. Which option is used to create a presentation automatically in Power Point?
Q16. Which option offers a built in design through a dialog box?
Q17. Which function key is used to run a power point presentation?
Q18. Which shortcut key is used to create a new slide in power point?
Q19. Which holder holds text, title and picture in power point?
Q20. Which one of the following is extension of power point 2010 presentation file?
Q21. Which option is used to insert the related hints of a slide?
Q22. Which combination of key is used to select all slides from current slide to first slide?
Q23. Which view hides the hidden slides in Power Point?
Q24. Which option is used to display the selected slides only for presentation?
Q25. Which one of the following is a effect option in power point presentation?
Q26. Which combination of key is used to show the laser pointer during slide show?
Module 9 : Database Management Systems
Q1. What is the maximum number of characters allowed in text field is access? A
Q2. What is the expansion of OLE in Access?
Q3. What is the maximum length of the field name in Access?
Q4. Which view is used to arrange table data in different graphical layouts to summarize data?
Q5. Which view allows to modify table’s structure in Access?
Q6. Which object stores information about related data?
Q7. Which key stoke is used to move the active cell towards right, in access table?
Q8. Which key stoke moves the active cell towards left in Access table?
Q9. Which combination of key zooms the content of active cell in Access table?
Q10. Which combination of key allows user to move to the first field in the first record in Access table?
Q11. Which command quickly locates the data is Access table?
Q12. Which technique prevents invalid data being saved in Access table?
Q13. Which validation rule accepts only a - z letters for fields in Access?
Q14. Which validation rule allows only 0 - 9 for fields in Access? "
Q15. Which validation rule allows only positive numbers for fields in?
Q16. What is allowed the input mask symbol # in Access?
Q17. Which validation rule allows exactly digits for number fields in Access?
Q18. What is the output when the data ‘1678.95’ is set to the number format ‘###0.00’ in Access?
Q19. Which of the following is a valid time format is Access?
Q20. Write the output when the data ‘Primary Key’ is set to the text < in Access?
Q21. What is the output when the data “FOREIGN key’ is set to the text format > in Access?
Q22. What is the reason for not accepting zero in the fields of Access tables?
Module 10 & 11 : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts
Q1. Which layer in OSI model performs network routing, flow control and error control function? A
Q2. What is the full form of IP?
Q3. What is the full form of TCP?
Q4. Which layer is the layer 2 in OSI network model?
Q5. Which layer is the layer 4 in OSI model?
Q6. Which is the 6th layer in OSI communication model?
Q7. What is the abbreviation of OSI?
Q8. What is the full form of EFT?
Q9. Which is an example for WAN?
Q10. What is the full form of ADSL?
Q11. Which is the layer 3 in OSI model?
Q12. Which is a reference tool for understanding data communication between any two network system?
Q13. What is called the interconnected computer systems located at different places?
Q14. Which topology combines characteristics of linear bus and star topologies?
Q15. How many pairs of wires contains in category 5 UTP cable?
Q16. What is the maximum speed supported by category 5 UTP cable?
Q17. Which of the following cable transmits messages in the form of light waves?
Q18. Which device is installed in a subscriber’s telephone line to allow both ADSl and regular voice (telephone) services to be used at the same time?
Q19. Which layer of OSI Model, transfer data between network entities?
Q20. Which device connects multiple network segments along with the data link layer?
Q21. Which device is used to amplify or regenerate digital signals received while sending them from one port of a network into another?
Q22. Which device modulates analog signal to encode digital information and demodulates carrier signal to decode the transmitted information over the telephone network?
Q23. Which device is used to connect one network with another network that uses different protocols?
Q24. Which device forwards data packet between computer network?
Q25. What is the speed of standard 10 base T cable?
Q26. Which type of cable is used in 10 base-FL cable standard?
Q27. What is the speed of 100BASE-TX cable?
Q28. Which is the standard connector for category-5, unshielded twisted pair cabling?
Q29. How many pairs of wires are there in category 1 UTP cables?
Q30. Which is an application layer of internet standard protocol used by local e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail from a remote server over a TCP/IP connection?
Q31. Which layer in OSI model provides transfer the data between end users?
Q32. What is the purpose of the last three layers in OSI model?
Q33. Which layer of OSI model is the router operate?
Q34. Which layer of OSI network model does repeater works?
Q35. Which is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host or to another host over a TCP based network, such as the internet?
Q36. Which is a network protocol used on the internet or LAN to provide a bi-directional interactive text oriented communication facility using a virtual terminal connection?
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